Sea West Enterprises excels in High Altitude-High tech projects, specializing in Communication Tower construction and tower erection. Our team listens in order to deliver our clients a superior project everytime. We have the experienced management and field crews to oversee every phase of your project . . .
from initial site inspection, to tower delivery, to close out of the job.
The highest quality standards and job site safety are top priorities for our company and all our employees. We provide on-site supervision and sustain a Sea West crew or team member throughout the entire construction process. Our Project Management Team maintains constant communications with the head office throughout your project, initial bid job-site walk to Closeout. This assures our clients that everything is done to remain on schedule and on budget. We realize that you don’t make any money until your antennas are hung, and you are ready with an approved tower.
Sea West is a fully insured Design/Build firm based in So. California. Sea West can provide full service to take your site and deliver a turnkey project. We are capable of handling your project anywhere in the 50 United States. From 10,000 foot mountain tops in Hawaii and New Mexico, to tower sites on one of the most densely populated sites of Southern California.

Sea West is ready to help you get on the air with the following services:
Develop construction budgets
Prepare scopes of work
Prepare construction schedules
Develop installation specs
Foundation design and analysis
Site clearing and grading
Access road construction
(cuts and fills, ditching, culvert installation,
head/retaining walls)
Support Buildings
UPS engineering/installation
(Uninterrupted Power Supply)
Ice Bridges
Utility installation
(gas, water, electrical, fiber optic cable, telephone lines)
Finish Grading
Conventional spread footings
Bearing walls
Drilled piers and piling
De-watering and Shoring
Concrete form work
Placing reinforcing steel
Concrete placing
Completed civil works(including roads, fencing, shelters, generators and foundations)
Crane & Heavy equipment operation